The person who saw in 2022 is a different person than the one seeing in 2023.
Why? Experience. Our greatest teacher and our greatest evolution.
Given that life is a constant series of choices, decisions and potential new levels of awareness, it makes sense to pay attention to what’s going on for us not just in our external world, but on the inside as well.
The only reason we would stay where we are as a human being is if we didn’t understand that we’ve already evolved from that place.
Did our thoughts, feelings and habits get the memo? That’s the big question.
It’s when part of us aligns with the person we’ve become and part of us chooses to stay where we are that things become tricky.
Our energy is split, and split energy makes for challenging times. It’s like driving with one foot on the brake.
As we prepare to welcome in a new year, who will you take forward into 2023, the old or the new you?
It’s worth being intentional.