21 Nov How much is enough for you?
I have a question for you. How much is enough for you? Two reflections I heard this morning from female business owners: ‘I feel like I’m winning but feel I need to be doing more.’...
I have a question for you. How much is enough for you? Two reflections I heard this morning from female business owners: ‘I feel like I’m winning but feel I need to be doing more.’...
That little nudge that's telling you to do something. What are you doing about it? That 'message' that keeps showing up but makes no sense. What are you doing with it? That unwanted situation you keep experiencing? What's it telling you?...
We're living in some scary, challenging, uncertain times right now. There are things bigger than us happening. I mentioned to a client yesterday the incredible sadness I feel about events going on in the world that I can't even fathom. Knowing it's my sadness that makes me human...
A quick activity for you...
You know the one? Thoughts, thoughts, thoughts, and more thoughts. Decision to make? Let me think about it. Question to answer? Let me think about it....
Your initial response to this question is informative. ‘Hell yeah! Rules are meant to be broken.’ Cue adrenaline. Or ‘No way! I couldn’t possibly.’ Cue anxiety....
Allowing it in. How well do you do it? It’s easy to ask for things to be different. We’re always doing it. Sometimes out loud, always internally. More clients. ...
First in our imagination and then in our physical reality. Why is this great news? Because we were gifted an imagination, the use of which requires no input from anyone or anything outside of ourselves....
Knowing the answer is good intel to have. For nature doesn’t try to be something it’s not. Winter doesn’t will its way into spring and summer doesn’t look at what it’s losing as the days move into autumn. They each have a role to play. ...
Who are you? Your answer determines the results you're seeing. For we don't see the world as it is, we see the world as we are. ...